On December 7, 2024, Saskatchewan updated the processing time of various streams of the Saskatchewan Immigrant Nominee Program (SINP). According to the new data, in the fourth quarter of 2024 (from October 1 to December 31, 2024), in the International Skilled Worker category, the processing time in the Employment Offer stream was eleven weeks; in the Occupation In-Demand stream, it was 55 weeks; and in the Express Entry stream – 68 weeks. The processing time for the Tech Talent Pathway, Health Talent Pathway, and the Hard-to-Fill Skills Pilot was eight, six, and twelve weeks, respectively. In the Saskatchewan Experience category, the processing time for the Existing Work Permit and International Students streams was eight weeks. In the Entrepreneur and Farm category, the processing time for the Entrepreneur Nominations was six weeks, while the processing time for Farmers was 20 weeks. The Job Approval Process took two weeks for an employer to hire a foreign worker through the SINP.