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Canada Tops 71,000 ITAs For 2019 With New Express Entry Draw

3,900 invitations issued in October 30 draw; CRS cut-off score rises to 475

Canada immigration authorities have passed 71,000 Invitations to Apply for Express Entry in 2019 with a new draw issuing ITAs to 3,900 candidates.

The October 30 draw saw a minimum Comprehensive Ranking System score of 475, 11 points higher than the previous all-program draw.

The increased CRS score is a result of it being four weeks since the previous all-program draw, which took place on October 2.

The program-specific Federal Skilled Trades draw that took place on October 16 saw lower-scoring profiles drawn from the pool.

Higher-scoring profiles have therefore built up over four weeks, resulting in a higher minimum score.

Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada has now invited 71,700 candidates in 2019, against a high-skilled immigration admission target of 81,400.

IRCC broke the record for annual Express Entry ITAs in 2018 with 89,800.

The draw saw the tie-breaking rule implemented on August 29, 2019, at 3.50 am UTC, which is August 28 at 11.50 pm EST. If more than one candidate had the minimum CRS score, only those who submitted their Express Entry profiles before this date and time received invitations.

This was the 22nd round of invitations under Express Entry in 2019 and 129th overall.

ITAs Issued At This Stage Of Each Year 2 2 2

What is the Express Entry?

Express Entry is an immigration system implemented by Canadian immigration authorities (IRCC) on January 1, 2015, which manages skilled worker applications under Federal Economic programs. This includes the Federal Skilled Worker Program, the Federal Skilled Trades Program the Canada Experience Class and parts of the Provincial Nomination Programs.

Stakeholders expect to see near 30 draws and more than 80,000 invitations issued in 2019, with a majority of draws featuring CRS scores below 460 to enable Canadian immigration authorities to meet targeted annual immigration levels for 2019.

Minimum CRS Scores For 2019 All Program Draws 1

What Can Employers Do to Recruit Foreign Workers?

Employers are encouraged to consider securing an LMIA or nomination under provincial nomination programs (PNPs) to ensure long term retention of employees.

Interested employers wishing to seek our assistance are invited to contact us here for further information.

ITAs Issued Per Draw In 2019 2 2 2

What Should Candidates Do Next?

It is expected that the majority of applicants to be issued ITAs in 2019 will require a CRS score well under 460 points, enabling a significant number of applicants to receive permanent admission to Canada without a job offer or nomination under a provincial immigration program. However, securing an approved offer of employment is highly recommended.

We offer all our individual clients with excellent employment services as well as a 60-minute Live, Face-to-Face LinkedIn tutorial on how to find jobs in all areas of Canada.

Find out whether you qualify for Canada by completing our free on-line evaluation. We will provide you with your evaluation results within 1-2 business days.

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